Most Hated Car Owners

BMW OWNERS have the worst reputation of any motorist in the country in a damning revelation which sheds light on the most unpopular car brands. A staggering 82 percent of respondents said they disliked BMW drivers as they were voted to have the worst reputation of any road vehicle.

BMW owners were also branded as bad drivers, with 80 percent claiming they expected owners of the car to be aggressive behind the wheel. A massive 34 percent of respondents even said they would not consider dating someone who owned the German vehicle. Analysis from click4reg also revealed the shocking Google searches motorists have made about each car brand. BMW owners did not escape the brutal attack as searches ranged from ‘why are BMW drivers not required to indicate’ to ‘why are BMW drivers jerks’.

Ford owners were the second most disliked in the survey, with a staggering 75 percent of respondents saying they did not like owners of the American vehicle.

Audi was next car on the hit list as 50 percent of respondents said they disliked drivers of the iconic car brand.

A total of 71 percent of those surveyed claimed they felt Audi drivers would be fast drivers, with 14 percent revealing they would not consider dating someone with an Audi vehicle.

Common search terms for the iconic brand included ‘ why are Audi drivers so bad’ and ‘why are Audi drivers so arrogant’.

Volkswagen was also attacked by pollsters after 60 percent said they felt owners were bad drivers and 32 percent thinking owners drive too quickly.