A Guy Cooked 108 Pounds of Brisket for Flood Victims in Baton Rouge

At least 11 people have died in the floods in Louisiana this week and it’s forced thousands of people into shelters. In response, a 35-year-old guy named Christian Dornhorst lives across the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge and decided to take action.

So he asked his boss if he could have the day off, went to Sam’s Club and bought enough food to throw a free barbecue! Christian and his wife showed up with a smoker and $850 worth of food, including chicken, sausage, three pot roasts, and 108 pounds of brisket.  And they cooked for people all day.

Apparently the brisket went in about 20 minutes, so some people didn’t get any so he was planning to ask his boss for Tuesday off as well so he could go back and do it again.

Read More –> Washington Post