“Baby Hitler” Went Viral After NY Times Asked If You’d Kill Him

It’s 2015, and somehow #BabyHitler is a trending topic worldwide.

It started on Friday.  The New York Times magazine tweeted the results of a poll where they asked about 3,000 subscribers, quote, “Could you kill a baby Hitler?” 

42% of people said yes
30% said no
28% weren’t sure.

And then the rest of the Internet started weighing in.
Over the weekend thousands of people chimed in on whether they’d travel back in time to kill Hitler as a baby.

But plenty of people also focused on two other aspects of the question:
One – What a weird decision it was for the New York Times”to ask it at all
And Two – the awkward way they phrased it.

It was written, quote, “Could you kill a baby Hitler?”  I’m pretty sure any of us COULD kill a baby…it’s really asking WOULD you.