Good Friends or Dumb Drunks?

Two underage boys were arrested in Johnson County, Indiana on Sunday morning for walking into the police station drunk. Earlier that night their friend was arrested for underage drinking. So naturally, they thought it would be a good idea if they went to the police station try and help their friend out. Of course, once they arrived, officers were immediately able to tell that they had also been drinking. So the officers gave the two young men Breathalyzers and they both blew over 0.13. After that, the officers told the boys that it was probably not a great idea to come to a police station hammered and politely escorted both of them to jail.

Now here is my question. If you were the first kid arrested, do you thank your friends for coming and trying to help you out or do you give them a hard time for being stupid enough to come to the police station drunk? I would probably go with the latter!


Full story here! 2 Johnson County men arrested after drunkenly trying to bail out friend