To whoever is driving the EBOLA is taking over America bus, can you please start slowing this thing down? I am not trying to be insensitive to the patients that have ebola or to their families. I just think we all need to take a step back and look at the “epidemic” with a fresh perspective.

To me this whole “Ebola” scare sounds a lot like the reaction to SARS disease and the Swine Flu. Everyone freaked out for a little while and then eventually moved on. I haven’t heard anyone worried about going to a restaurant and catching SARS disease in like 10 years. I think one thing is Ebola is still unknown for the most part and as humans we are afraid of the unknown. The second thing is, I think the news stations keep talking about Ebola and how “crazy” this outbreak is because they are getting great ratings when they do it. People forget the news is a business, they run off of profit just like anyone else. They are going to keep over selling Ebola as long as we keep watching and buying into it. It is said a bad flu season can kill over 250,000 people. Ebola has taken 1 American life and under 2,000 across the globe. My point is that people should stop buying HAZMAT suits and start getting flu shots! There are more deadly diseases out there like, AIDS, measles, cholera and even diarrheal diseases!

Let’s just all slow down, take a deep breath, and realize that this is not the end of the world!