Ted’s Weekend in 5 Photos

We’re getting out and trying to do as many new things as we can in Aggieland, here’s a recap of what happened this weekend in 5 photos!

Beast Syndicate mural outside of What's The Buzz Coffee Shop

My wife and I have been wanting to visit as many cool coffee shops as we can find, this weekend took us to What’s The Buzz on Texas Ave. and we just happened to go during Art Buzz, a showcase of art by Beast Syndicate who did this awesome mural on the side of their building.

Ted and his wife, Grace, in front of the Queen Theatre in Bryan Birria Tacos from Don Chente

The night before that though, we went to Lights On in downtown Bryan, followed by getting incredible Birria Tacos from Don Chente on Villa Maria.

Ted's wife, Grace, at Ren Fest

Yesterday we went to Ren Fest! Everyone has been saying that we need to get out there before the season ends and it was awesome. this is my wife as a fairy, I opted to wear a black t-shirt and jeans.

Photo of a scene in Seinfeld

And finally, this is from my podcast that I do about watching Seinfeld for the first time ever – No Hugging, No Learning.

With each episode, we pick out a scene that would make good cover art, but Netflix doesn’t let me screenshot while watching it, so I need to take a photo of the screen like everyone gramp who doesn’t know how technology works. look closely and you can see my reflection.


And that was our weekend! If you’ve got any suggestion of things we should do, or if you want to follow our journey follow me on Twitter and Instagram!