The 10 Most Common Ways to Break or Lose Your Phone

I’m pretty sure everyone I know has either lost their phone, or broken it.  If you haven’t, then you live a life that’s far too sheltered and you need to start mainlining molly ASAP.

A new survey ranked the most common ways people break or lose their phones.

Read More –> PR Newswire

Here’s the Top 10 

1.  Dropping it in water, 43%.

2.  Accidentally sending it through the washing machine, 42%.

3.  Throwing it, 22%.

4.  Dropping it out a window, 20%.

5.  Sitting on it, 20%.

6.  Spilling something on it, 20%.

7.  Your pet chews it up, 20%.

8.  Tripping and falling on it, 20%.

9.  Stepping on it, 18%.

10.  Forgetting it somewhere, 18%.