Waking up on the wrong side of the bed really seems like it throws me off sometimes. I feel weird and mad at other people for no real reason. I bet a lot of you have too.
Well the Graduate School of Management at Rice University would say that there may be something good about that. They did a study that showed that people in bad moods tend to be more productive at work. The study showed that people that are smiling and in good moods are often too happy to notice a problem until it is too late. They argue that people in bad moods are often motivated to get out of their bad mood and solving a problem will usually do that for them!
It makes a lot of since to me. Think about it. If you are all happy go lucky, which is of course a good thing in its own way, you could spend a lot more time chatting it up with co-workers. If you are pissed off you probably want to keep to yourself and focus on the tasks and only on the tasks!
So, next time you are in a bad mood think about this and really focus on what you are doing!